Wednesday, September 10, 2014

National Suicide Prevention Week

Smith County has a 14.1 per 100,000 suicide rate, which is notably higher than the statewide rate of 10.99  per 100,000. That's not a huge number, but for those of us touched by suicide, there is nothing more tragic.

This week, September 8 through 14, is National Suicide Prevention Week. DSHS has a great presentation that teaches us how to engage the people we meet who may be considering suicide, and I was told they would be happy to come to schools, churches, etc., to train people. If you are interested, contact Dreka Strickland (Dreka DOT Strickland AT dshs DOT state DOT tx DOT us)

Here are some other great resources available for you:

Photo from Time Magazine--click photo to go to source.

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