Thursday, March 19, 2015

More good information on the adolescent brain

I so appreciate the nuance of this NPR article, The Teenage Brain: Spock vs. Captain Kirk   It simply explains a couple of the risks that come with adolescence without casting dispersion on young people.

Also, I am attaching a video below that I use to explain Adolescent Brain Development when I make presentations. It is a cartoon, but it does a good job making good points in an easily-understandable way.

By the way, the reason so many of us do not already know some of the details about how the brain develops is that the advanced imaging technology that we take for granted, today, was not available prior to the mid 1990s. Scientists and physicians are revisiting concepts that have long been held as facts--like the idea that the cerebellum is responsible for motor function, only--and learning that we were wrong for years and years.

Now that we know how the brain develops and how psychotropic substances like THC and Alcohol impact the development processes, there is simply no excuse for giving our young people pot or alcohol. We know better, now.

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